ICARE Team Home Health Care, LLC
ICARE Team Home Health Care, LLC

Call Us: 651-203-7091

handsome senior medical doctor and team at hospital

Mission Statement

Our mission at ICARE Team Home Health Care LLC is to provide our client, their families, and our community with extraordinary PCA healthcare service; to ensure peace of mind through quality and modern treatment methods; and to exceed clients’ expectations.

Vision Statement

ICARE Team Home Health Care LLC aspires to be the first choice in health care for our communities; to be a leader in providing quality, compassionate, and patient-centered care; to be a reputable provider of physical and mental care with respect to comfort, peace of mind, and peace of heart; and to improve health and be the main home health care partner of our community.

Values Statements

Our work is guided by these key values:

  • Building relationships with the people we serve by prioritizing them
  • We treat each person with respect and dignity.
  • We are compassionate listeners. We hear the issues of our clients, respect them, and do everything in our power to help.
  • We provide clients PCS’s service. People who chose ICARE Team Health Care LLC as their home health care provider can expect polite, friendly, and helpful staff members who relate to each person as an individual and recognize their history, relationships, culture, and needs. We will go and beyond the extra mile to meet and exceed their expectations.
  • We keep ourselves updated with the new developments in healthcare. We use innovative approaches to healthcare and client’s service.
  • Clients at ICARE Team Home Health Care LLC can see themselves being reflected in our work. We seek diversity.

Our Approach to Healthcare

We treat each client as a whole and see deeper into the complexities of their lives. We believe that a humans need to be seen as a whole person in order to deliver the best care service.

Through your honest feedback, we regularly assess ourselves and our performance. We also consider what our community needs by looking for loopholes in the healthcare system and fix them. When others have addressed those cracks, we’ll design our own resource to address the matter differently.